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Package fc.jdbc.dbo.generated

These are sample tables, purely to show as an example of DBO generated code.

See: Description

Package fc.jdbc.dbo.generated Description

These are sample tables, purely to show as an example of DBO generated code. This is so you can look at various methods in the alltypesMgr class to see the DBO operations that can be carried out in a row represented by alltypes

This package is for documentation of DBO operations only. There is no run-time utility or use of this package apart from the documentation.

In postgres, the example alltypes table looks like so:

     Column      |            Type             |                       Modifiers                       
 id              | integer                     | not null default nextval('alltypes_id_seq'::regclass)
 smallint_val    | smallint                    | 
 int_val         | integer                     | not null
 bigint_val      | bigint                      | 
 float_val       | real                        | 
 double_val      | double precision            | 
 numeric_val     | numeric(5,2)                | 
 char_val        | character(10)               | 
 varchar_val     | character varying(10)       | 
 longvarchar_val | text                        | 
 date_val        | date                        | 
 time_val        | time without time zone      | 
 timestamp_val   | timestamp without time zone | 
 bit_val         | bit(1)                      | 
 array_val       | character varying(10)[]     | 
 boolean_val     | boolean                     | 
 json_val        | json                        |  
 jsonb_val       | jsonb                       | 
    "alltypes_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

For this example table, the DBO generates an alltypes bean (corresponding to the columns/attributes in this table) as well as a alltypesMgr class that operates on these alltypes beans.

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